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Gas analysis

For gases, the Quad-Lab is mainly active in the following areas:


Biogas analysis in laboratory

Biogas is a gas produced by the degradation of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. They are composed mainly of methane and carbon dioxide but may also contain a smaller amount of hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide or nitrogen.

TD-GC-FID de Quad-lab

Analysis of gaseous matrices

We call gas matrices any sample in the gaseous state at room temperature, and taken without transformation into bags, ampoules, canister containers. The samples may come from gas cylinders but they can also be gases for medical use, the «gaseous» part of a food packaging or even gases emitted by a material or a liquid.

Not all sampling equipment is suitable for all types of gases.

The Quad-Lab laboratory has tested the gas retention in different containers. Do not hesitate to contact us to select the most suitable.