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Accueil » Gas analysis » Gas matrices

Gas matrices

We call gaseous matrices any sample in a gaseous state at room temperature, taken without transformation from containers such as bags, ampoules or canisters.

Samples may come from gas cylinders, but they may also be gases for medical use, the “gaseous” part of a food package (the top part of a water bottle, the gas in a ham package, etc.), or gases emitted by a material (foam, plastic, etc.) or a liquid (perfume, oil).

design bouteilles de gaz

The Quad-Lab laboratory is capable of analyzing most gaseous matrices and offers you :

  • supply of gas sampling containers according to your requirements;
  • design and manufacture of gas extraction devices for hermetically sealed systems: aerosols, cans, food packaging, heaters, etc.
  • a complete range of analyses for pure gases or mixtures, such as
  • quantification of gaseous compounds: carbon dioxide (CO₂), hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O₂), etc ;
  • quantification of gaseous hydrocarbons: C1 to C5 alkanes, alkenes ;
  • the quantification of several specific gases: sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), greenhouse gases, freons, … ;
  • search for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) without a predefined list: VOC screening;
  • calculation of parameters such as calorific values (HCV and HCV) and density.

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Find the list of analyses performed by the laboratory for ambient air

équipe de techniciennes au laboratoire Quad-lab