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Accueil » Gas analysis » Biogas


Biogas and biomethane are gases obtained from the degradation of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. They are mainly composed of methane (CH₄) and carbon dioxide (CO₂), but may also contain smaller quantities of hydrogen (H₂), hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) and nitrogen (N₂).

They are either injected into gas networks or burned on site to produce heat and electricity. It is therefore necessary to check their quality regularly, as the composition of biogas can change over time.

le laboratoire Quad-lab fait partie du réseau: atee club biogaz

In addition, biogas and biomethane are gases containing compounds that are malodorous, toxic or cause equipment failures (hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, siloxanes, etc.). Their quantity must be checked before and after treatment systems.

The Quad-Lab laboratory offers a complete range of biogas solutions:

Now we can analyze everything on the bag!

Please note: not all sampling equipment is suitable for all types of gas. The Quad-Lab laboratory has tested the preservation of gases in different containers. Please contact us to select the most suitable.

The Quad-Lab laboratory relies on a network of partners to provide you with a complete methanization service:
réseau du biogaz en anglais