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Accueil » air analysis

air analysis

In the air, the Quad-Lab is mainly active in the following areas:

usine qui rejette de la fumée dans l'atmosphère

atmospheric releases

In order to comply with the regulations on specific volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions, manufacturers must have air analysis measurements performed by competent control bodies.

homme sur un chantier

occupational exposure

Occupational exposure, also known as “worker hygiene” or “workplace air”, is one of the priorities set by the Ministry of Labour. Occupational exposure limit values (OLV) have been formally established.

classe d'école

Indoor air

We spend more than 80% of our time indoors. With the constant improvement of the efficiency of insulation systems, it has become essential to renew air regularly in order to avoid stagnation of pollutants in our buildings.

open space

ambient air

Air measurements are often recommended in the vicinity of industrial areas and in areas where there is odour nuisance. The Quad-Lab laboratory offers various analytical solutions to meet these challenges.
