Quad-lab > Air analysis > Indoor air
We spend more than 80% of our time indoors. The constant improvement of the effectiveness of insulation systems means it has become essential to renew the air regularly in order to prevent pollutants from stagnating inside our buildings.
Indoor air refers to all the air inside closed buildings (offices, establishments open to the public, private homes, etc.) that are not subject to occupational exposure.
In this type of environment, air pollution may be suspected if there are cases of recurrent headaches, respiratory irritations, bad smells, and also following recent works. We can measure this pollution using an indoor air analysis.
Quad-Lab has developed different packs to cater to this variety of issues:
- The Indoor Air Pack: used to analyse the compounds most commonly found inside buildings. It can be used following works, or if the occupants are experiencing unpleasant phenomena.
- The HQE Pack is used to analyse the compounds recommended by the HQE standard when the building is delivered or when it is operating.
- Odour Pack: used to analyse the compounds responsible for unpleasant smells.
- The ERP Pack: a regulatory pack (France) for establishments open to the public (French decree 2011-1727 of 2nd December 2011).
*Quad-Lab is COFRAC accredited for formaldehyde and benzene.
The scope of the accreditation can be viewed on http://www.cofrac.fr/annexes/sect1/1-1578.pdf using accreditation reference N° 1-1578.
For more information on indoor air issues:
Guide values for Indoor Air on the ANSES web site
You are a private individual ?
Did you know that indoor air is 5 to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air ?
If we can filter the water we drink, filtering the air we breathe is not possible. In fact, furniture, household cleaning products, paints and many other standard consumer goods release volatile organic compounds that pollute our indoor air.